Sunday, May 3, 2009

And the Winner is...

DANDELION WINE by Ray Bradbury (254 pages)! I think April really convinced us all that this would be a great book to read for summer. So let's all take a trip to the library and crack open those books! Here's a "teaser" to get you started:
"The summer of '28 was a vintage season for a growing boy. A summer of green apple trees, mowed lawns, and new sneakers. Of half-burnt firecrackers, of gathering dandelions, of Grandma's belly-busting dinner. It was a summer of sorrows and marvels and gold-fuzzed bees. A magical, timeless summer in the life of a twelve-year-old boy named Douglas Spaulding..."
Don't forget to blog about what you think! If you do write something and are in the middle of the book, please put what page you are on and DON'T give anything away! Other than that, have fun and make sure that you post when you have finished the book.
Special thanks to our blogger-whiz, Leah for getting this blog rolling! Didn't she do a great job?

1 comment:

  1. Leah- love the blog. I haven't started the book first...but let me just tell you the reading that quote that Laura put up there got me al excited. Douglas Spaulding is one of my favorite characters..I'm so excited for you all to read this!
